The guys at my job love to give me grief about American football. They think it is a joke. Apparently it lacks the brutality and physical angst of rugby. "Gridiron is for pansies... they wear pads!" is a popular comeback to any of my attempts to defend American football. So last night Bridget and I had the chance to go see our first rugby match. We wanted to go see what all the fuss was about.
We went with a friend from my work, Heath, who grew up in Hawke's Bay. He was especially excited to go because it was his local Hawke's Bay team that was playing in the match versus the local Canterbury team. Hawkes Bay Magpies vs. Canterbury Crusaders. The Magpie is a great mascot I have to say. The game started with a quick Canerbury try to put them out in front early. (Here is a link to some rules and terminology of rugby: ) Canterbury ended up scoring one more try in the half and did not show signs of weakness as they won the match 17-3. Although the team we were going far did not win, it was a good showcase of all that rugby has to offer. I think my co-workers are correct. Rugby is a very tough sport. The hits and tackles are very similar to American football, but they do not have pads on. I would not last a minute in a rugby match with my body type.
The rugby atmosphere is very cool but no different I think than any other sport. Loud, drunk, rowdy fans are a regular scene at rugby matches, but I dont' think that is any different than American football games. The opposing team's fans usually travel very well and generally will make their presense known. Some rowdy Hawke's Bay fans sang the classic "Ole`" song pretty much the entire match.
The halftime events were very cool as well. They first had a zorbing race around some obstacles on the field which was very entertaining. A zorb is basically an inflatable hamster ball that you propel by running in. They also shot rugby balls at people dressed in Tui (a NZ beer) beer cans with a automatic machine (similar to a pitching machine for baseball). The contestant had to catch the ball coming at them while dressed in a beer can costume... very funny!
First half action
The halftime zorb race
Second half action
(The other side of the stadium looks empty because it is... that is new construction for the 2011 Rugby World Cup to be held in New Zealand. Our side of the stadium was packed)
All in all, our first rugby experience was very fun. Was it fun enough to make us forget about good old American football? I don't think so for now. Football stills holds a little place in both of our hearts! Go Noles and Go Skers!